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Informationsgehalt von WES-Daten zur Inflationsprognose

Sandra Hamella, Harry Haupt
Elgar, Cheltenham, 2007

in: Goldrian, Georg: Handbook of survey-based business cycle analysis, 2007, S.99-115

The World Economic Survey (WES) has been carried out by the Ifo Institute for Economic Research since 1981. This quarterly expert survey is conducted among more than 1000 representatives of multinational enterprises and other economic experts in approximately 90 countries. In filling out the questionnaire the respondents evaluate the economic situation and the outlook of the country where they are based, giving special attention to price trends, the volume of trade, interest rates, investment behaviour and other important indicators.

Schlagwörter: Inflation, Prognose, Informationswert, Konjunkturumfrage, Welt
JEL Klassifikation: C800,E310

Enthalten in Zeitschrift bzw. Sammelwerk

Monographie (Herausgeberschaft)
Georg Goldrian
Elgar, Cheltenham, 2007
Ifo Economic Policy, 2

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