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Julien Daubanes, CESifo guest
in July 2013

Julien Daubanes

Julien Daubanes visited CESifo from 22 to 28 July. His current joint work with Pierre Lasserre takes a microeconomic perspective to clarify the properties of non-renewable resources’ supply. Establishing restricted (fixed reserves) and unrestricted supply functions, it shows that the effect of anticipated price changes can be decomposed into an intertemporal substitution effect and a stock compensation effect. Yet, despite the formal resemblance of resource supply with classical demand, the former effect always dominates, confirming the general validity of the Green Paradox effect of future penalties to extraction.

Julien Daubanes is also pursuing his interest in industrial economics. Taking a modern public-regulation perspective, he and Jean-Charles Rochet are currently examining the social costs and benefits of allowing/encouraging private actions by consumer groups. They show that when regulatory agencies are biased towards industry, such private practices, despite potential shortcomings, may provide an effective disciplining device.

Mr Daubanes studied economics at the University of Toulouse, where he received a Masters in Economics and Statistics and a Research Masters in Economic Theory and Econometrics in 2004. In 2007, he received his PhD in Economics from the Toulouse School of Economics, for which he was awarded the PhD Prize of the French Economic Association. In 2008 he joined the Center of Economic Research at ETH Zurich as a research fellow.

> CESifo Working Papers by Julien Daubanes