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Hassan Benchekroun

Hassan Benchekroun, CESifo guest in May 2014

Impact of Clean Technologies on Climate Change

Technological breakthroughs that reduce CO2 emissions can actually exacerbate the climate change problem: countries may respond by raising their emissions resulting in an increase of the stock of pollution. Recent research by Hassan Benchekroun has ex-amined this phenomenon, with a close look at the role of clean technologies and more effective adaptation technologies in the success (or failure) of an international environ-mental agreement (IEA).

While visiting CESifo, Mr Benchekroun will continue his work on strategic behaviour in common property renewable resources (CPRs), coalitions and mergers in resource and pollution games and design of incentive schemes in public good games. Specific questions include, market power incentives to form coalitions in a resource market, the impact of envy and other regarding preferences in the extraction of a CPR, uncertainty and the tragedy of the commons. His overall research interests are environmental and resource economics, industrial organisation, international trade and dynamic games.

Mr Benchekroun is a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at McGill University. His PhD in Economics is from Laval University. He also studied Industrial Engineering at École Mohammadia d’ingénieurs in Rabat. He currently serves as co-editor of Environmental and Resource Economics.