Working Paper

More Similar Firms - More Similar Regions? On the Role of Firm Heterogeneity for Agglomeration

Maximilian Von Ehrlich, Tobias Seidel
CESifo, Munich, 2012

CESifo Working Paper No. 4028

In contrast to what several papers have argued recently, we show that firm heterogeneity fosters agglomeration of economic activity. If firms are more similar with respect to their total factor productivity, each company faces a lower propensity to export. This renders the home market more important speaking against agglomeration. We also relate changes in firm heterogeneity to technological progress which allows us to derive novel insights on the role of technology for the location of economic activity.

CESifo Category
Labour Markets
Keywords: firm heterogeneity, agglomeration, technological change, trade, labor mobility
JEL Classification: F120, F220, R120