Event – CESifo Conference

CESifo Conference on Social Economics 2014

21 – 22 March 2014

CESifo Conference Centre, Poschingerstrasse 5, 81679 Munich

The purpose of the conference is to bring together international scholars working in this field and to stimulate research on this theme.
The conference welcomes contributions to new developments in social economics, a growing area of study that breaches economics with social science. Specifically, the key questions that we will touch upon include the role culture, identity, altruism, altruism esteem and status as competing with traditional tangible and monetary motivation for behaviour. We welcome theoretical contributions as well as applications to any area of social policy including health, education, social care, and labour markets. The ultimate goal of the conference is to examine the limits of social motivations as well as how they interact with other tangible motivations. However, broader contributions to the discipline of social economics will be considered, too. We welcome both empirical and theoretical papers that address policy-relevant questions.

Scientific organizer(s): Costa-i-Font, Joan / Macis, Mario
Submissions deadline: 31 October 2013