RePEc Criteria for Constructing Rankings

RePEc compiles its author rankings on the basis of average scores resulting from:

  1. Number of distinct works per author (different versions of the same work published in different series or journals are counted only once)
  2. Number of citations (determined from references of listed works and excluding self citations).
  3. Weighting by number of authors (the score of each work is divided by the number of authors)
  4. Number of pages published in journals, whereby different versions of the same work published in different series or journals are counted only once
  5. Number of abstract views in RePEc services over the past 12 months
  6. Number of downloads through RePEc services over the past 12 months

Each of these criteria is then weighted by simple impact factors (ratio of citations by the number of items in the series) and by recursive impact factors (i.e. by citations, then weighing each citation by the impact factor of the citing items, this impact factor being itself computed recursively in the same fashion. The recursive impact factors are normalized so that the average citations has a weight of 1).

Note: This text is the responsibility of the writer (Julio C. Saavedra) and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of either the CESifo Research Network Members cited or of the CESifo Group Munich.

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